Wisconsin Senator Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents

“As your senator, my job is to listen to your concerns and to act in your best interest.”

“Oh, good! We actually do have some concerns we would like to discuss…”


Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson has been facing some major stalking. Unwanted attention, constant phone calls, showing up at work uninvited, for anyone who as lived with being stalked knows that it is a stressful and scary situation. The senator’s situation is different, however, as he is being harassed not by a scorned lover or creepy stranger. He’s being stalked by his constituents!

The Wisconsin Independent reports: Speaking out about big changes to the 2010 healthcare law, the Affordable Care Act caused one local group to get a cease and desist letter from Sen. Ron Johnson. The letter, in part, reads, “This means that you are not to call or visit any of Senator Johnson’s staff or any of his offices at any time.”

For months, Citizen Action of Wisconsin has been coordinating statewide rallies to protest the sweeping changes to the ACA.

Here’s the letter if you’d like to read the full text:


All in all it sure does seem like an overly formal way to say “Leave me alone or I’m calling the cops!”

However, like any self-respecting stalker knows, a restraining order is just a piece of paper.

Citizen Action of Wisconsin replied to this cease and desist letter with a blog post that said, in layman’s terms, “No.”

“Dissent is patriotic, that’s what we believe. That’s why for months we’ve been showing up to Congressional offices, calling every day, writing letters/emails/postcards & more. And it’s why our members took part in town halls and rallies across the state last week during the Congressional Recess, including a 500+ person rally in Greenfield and 150+ in Wausau. Complete with empty chairs for, and a large cardboard cutout of, Senator Ron Johnson.”

They also posted a petition online for people to sign, signifying that they will NOT cease or desist. At the time of writing it had over 3,200 signatures (you can check it out here.)

Who knew that becoming a congressman would lead to having to deal with the electorate?

Sen. Ron Johnson to Citizen Action: cease and desist

One thought on “Wisconsin Senator Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents

  1. george mckinney says:

    senator under siege because he does not know answers. Leave him and his staff alone so they can think


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