Former Romanian Minister Pays Bail in Gold Bars

There’s nothing suspicious about a former politician paying their bail money with solid gold, is there?

Politicians are pretty much the same no matter what country you’re from: Egotistical, controlled by lobbying groups, and corrupt. The only difference between them all is some are better at hiding it. In Romania, for example, a former finance minister who clearly has nothing to hide used gold bars to pay part of his 1 million euro bail.

Euronews reports: A former Romanian finance minister, brought 3 kilograms of gold worth €110,000 EUR and an additional €315.000 in cash to bail himself on corruption charges.

And paying your bail in a gigantic pile of cash and gold bars is a great way to diffuse suspicion of being corrupt!

Sebastian Vladescu, who served two spells in charge of his country’s finances is accused by prosecutors from the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) of taking bribes linked to a railway contract. He denies the charges.

For the rest of the €1 million sum, Mr.Vladescu offered real-estate guarantees. The valuables were deposited in an account belonging to the National Anticorruption Directorate according to the institution’s press releases.

Gold and real estate? This guy sure knows how to invest!

Vladescu, who was finance minister between August 2005 and April 2007 and from December 2009 until October 2010 is being investigated for bribery and influence peddling. The charges are linked to a railway revamping contract valued at 820 million EUR. The rehabilitation work covering the railway section between Bucharest and the city port of Constanta took 6 years to complete despite the section being only 225 kilometres long.

Another thing that’s the same no matter what country you’re from: Construction takes FOREVER…

One thought on “Former Romanian Minister Pays Bail in Gold Bars

  1. george mckinney says:

    Sebastian would be viewed by many as a Succesful politician. It’s not how you get the money as long as you’ve got plenty of it to show off. There really is no difference between Europe & the USA. when it comes to corruption in public service or private business.


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