Scaramucci’s Got Big Plans

“Scaramouch Scaramouch when you do the fandango…”

Anthony Scarammuci is the new White House Communications Director. He has a difficult job, as he is the White House Communications Director. Also being the guy that Press Secretary Sean Spicer quit over, he’s garnered a lot of attention over the past few days.

So who is this guy? What’s his plan?

Politico reports: “There’s obviously a communications problem, because there’s a lot that we’ve done as it relates to executive orders, bills that have been signed, economic progress — I don’t want to cite all the economic data, but the economy is super-strong, business optimism is way up,” he said, adding later: “I just think we need to deliver the messaging a little bit differently than we’ve been doing it in the past.”

Understatement of the year, with that first part. And how does he plan to deliver the message differently? The president seems to have found his way around all the parental locks on his phone!

“I think we should put the cameras on,” he said. “But if the president doesn’t want the cameras on, we’re not going to put the cameras on. It’s going to really be up to him.”

Hey, having the cameras back would be a nice change. Gee, maybe this new guy won’t be so bad after all…

He also said he wanted to “soften up” the administration’s relationship with the press. “They’re tough on us, so let’s be tough on them,” he said.

Appearing on “Fox News Sunday,” Scaramucci also said he would work to cut down on leaks coming out of the White House, even suggesting he will “pare down staff” to eliminate the leaks, a major point of frustration for Trump.

Oh, wait, there it is! It’s a “the beatings will continue until morale improves” attitude! I knew that there had to be something Trump-ish about the guy!

But hey, maybe it won’t be so bad. Don’t wanna call anything until we actually see the guy at work. We already know that nothing is gonna top the Sean Spicer SNL skits, any way. We can’t really hope for much.

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